Danny Masterson Accusers Believe Church of Scientology Is Stalling Sexual Assault Case

The investigations into Danny Masterson's alleged sexual assaults remain open, more than two years [...]

The investigations into Danny Masterson's alleged sexual assaults remain open, more than two years after the accusations were first made. Now, his accusers speculate that the Church of Scientology may be holding up the the process in a new interview with Radar Online.

Five women came forward with sexual assault allegations against Masterson in 2017, at the height of the #MeToo movement. A couple of the women identified themselves publicly, while others stayed anonymous. One of these anonymous accusers spoke to reporters back in July, saying that something seems to be holding up the process.

"Charges have been approved all the way up the chain at the LA DA's office since last September," the accuser said. "We've been told that there is more than enough evidence to not only charge him but to also get a conviction by multiple people."

"Yet here we are going into April 2019 and our case sits on head DA Jackie Lacey's desk. Why? Scientology," she added.

The victim said that those who have dealt with high profile Scientologists in the past will recognize the pattern of delays in the cases against Masterson.

"No one has yet to take down the cult and their abuses and coverups," she said. "But I think their time is coming. I'm making sure of it. We also have more than enough to take them down."

A spokesperson for the Los Angeles District Attorney's office told reporters that "the case remains under review," and said nothing more about Masterson. Only four of the accusers are seeking legal action against the actor.

Whatever is causing the delays with the case, it is clear that Scientology is inextricable from it. Three of the four remaining accusers are former Scientologists, which Masterson has used to support his narrative that they are jilted ex-lovers. Meanwhile, other whistle-blowers from the church have spoken out in support the the accusers, including Leah Remini.

"The captain of that department, Cory Palka, goes to the Scientology Celebrity Centre often. There are pictures of him hanging at Celebrity Centre," Remini said in a 2017 interview with The Daily Beast.

Remini hosts a show about Scientology on A&E, interviewing former members like herself. For her, stories like this are indicative of a systemic problem.

"Scientology is very slick in that it's partnered in this Police Activities League with the Hollywood division, and every year around Christmas time Celebrity Centre International right on Franklin presents the Hollywood Police Department with a check for this Police Activities League, which gives back to children," Remini continued.

"What it's done is it's aligned itself as per its policies, because there are Scientology policies that say, 'Safe-point yourself to the area police department because then nobody will attack your good works,' so it's all very pointed and calculated."

So far, the Church of Scientology has not commented on Masterson's accuser's statement.