'Charmed' Star Holly Marie Combs Goes After Donald Trump Following Granddad's Death From Coronavirus: 'He Believed You'

Former Charmed star Holly Marie Combs is slamming President Donald Trump for his early response to [...]

Former Charmed star Holly Marie Combs is slamming President Donald Trump for his early response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a scathing tweet on Monday, Combs held the president accountable for the death of her grandfather, a Trump supporter who recently died of coronavirus.

"He voted for you. He believed you when you said this virus was no worse than the flu," Combs tweeted. "He believed every lie you muttered and sputtered. He died today from Covid-19 one day after his 66th wedding anniversary. You're a disgrace to the human race."

Combs' remarks came in response to an April 25 tweet from Trump in which he denied ever calling the coronavirus a "hoax." However, Trump, in a moment captured on video, had told a crowd of supported at his Feb. 28 rally in North Charleston, South Carolina that Democrats were "politicizing the coronavirus" and that it was "their new hoax," according to Hollywood Life.

"I never said the pandemic was a Hoax! Who would say such a thing?" Trump wrote in his tweet. "I said that the Do Nothing Democrats, together with their Mainstream Media partners, are the Hoax. They have been called out & embarrassed on this, even admitting they were wrong, but continue to spread the lie!"

Combs' tweet and her criticisms of Trump were met with a mixed bag of reactions from social media users. Responding, many sent the Charmed alum their condolences, while others blasted the actress for her remarks.

"Holly im very sorry for your loss. But it's not right to blame President Trump," wrote one person. "If you wanna blame anyone blame China. I don't know what it is about my favorite actors/actresses lately. It's sad there's such hate for our president. Your grandfather wouldn't have blamed him. Sad."

"Sorry for your loss but how dare you blame Trump!" commented another. "Absolutely disgraceful and your wonderful grandfather would probably feel the same way about your despicable behavior!"

"Sorry to hear about anyone's passing. It really ticks me off though, to hear yet one more Hollywood person deciding that they've come up with yet one more thing that our President is to blame for," responded a third. "Go back to blaming him for the hang nail you got two wks ago. Shame on you."

Combs, who has vocalized her displeasure with the president's response to the coronavirus, later responded to her critics. In a tweet issued shortly after, she wrote that she has "zero tolerance for Trumpers" and suggested that they "take it to someone else's timeline."