Andy Dick Pleads Not Guilty to Sexual Battery

After being charged with sexual battery earlier this month, Andy Dick pleaded not guilty to the [...]

After being charged with sexual battery earlier this month, Andy Dick pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charges stemming from an incident in which he allegedly groped a woman on a sidewalk.

The 52-year-old comedic actor was not physically present in court Wednesday afternoon when his lawyer entered his plea, The Blast reports. The Los Angeles City Attorney charged Dick with battery and sexual battery.

In April, Dick was accused of twice groping a woman from behind on a Los Angeles sidewalk as he walked past her. The woman also alleged that he made lewd comments toward her.

The incident is just the latest for the controversial actor, who has a laundry list of accusations in his history, including claims of groping people's genitals, unwanted kissing and licking, and sexually propositioning at least four people on the set of Raising Buchanan in October 2017. He was eventually fired from the independent feature film as documented in a report from The Hollywood Reporter.

At the time of the THR report, Dick admitted to kissing and licking people as well as propositioning them, but denied groping anyone.

"I didn't grope anybody. I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That's my thing — I licked Carrie Fisher at a roast. It's me being funny. I'm not trying to sexually harass people," he said.

"I didn't grab anybody's genitals. Of course I'm going to proposition people. I'm single, depressed, lonely and trying to get a date. They can just say no, and they probably did and then I was done," he added.

He continued, saying that he has toned down his controversial comedy methods like groping people and exposing himself.

"I don't grope people anymore. I don't expose myself anymore. I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate," he said, claiming that the "temperature" on set became too sensitive when he brought up the Harvey Weinstein scandal. "They were so incensed by what I was saying. People are so sensitive."

Apart from the Raising Buchanan incident, TMZ reports that Dick has also threatened to lick and grope one of its photographers in the past.

Dick's wife, Lena Sved, filed a temporary restraining order against her husband in February after claiming that his behavior was spiraling out of control. Court documents detail how Dick had a "cyclical drinking pattern" where he would get "blackout drunk." Sved also described two incidents involving their son, Jacob, who once had to lock Dick out of the house because he was intoxicated. During the other incident, Dick allegedly screamed and cursed at Jacob, broke dishes and flipped over a table.

Dick is due back in court next month.