Jeremy Renner Responds to Ex's Death Threat Allegations

Earlier it was revealed in new legal documents obtained by TMZ that Jeremy Renner allegedly [...]

Earlier it was revealed in new legal documents obtained by TMZ that Jeremy Renner allegedly threatened to kill his ex-wife, Sonni Pacheco. The two are in the middle of a custody battle over their 6-year-old daughter. The report even adds that Renner wielded a gun at one point and put it in his mouth saying he was going to kill himself. Pacheco's allegations stem from claims that he abuses drugs and alcohol in the presence of their child.

Since the emergence of the new documents, Renner has responded. According to TMZ, Renner said she is making up these allegations as a result of the failed relationship. He adds that she's also looking to make money off of the split.

Additionally, Renner shared how Pacheco would "brag" to her friends about "bagging an Avenger." His claim goes as far as to say that she would encourage her friends by saying she would set them up with his castmates say they, too, could "bag an Avenger."

His comments also include how he submitted a random drug test over a three-month span to prove Pacheco's claims inaccurate. He denies that he does not abuse any substance.

The Hawkeye actor went as far as to hire a mental health specialist to ensure to Pacheco's claims that he is, in fact, "a sober and capable parent" to Ava.

He is pushing to get the court to limit how much she can see their daughter as he claims her "overwhelming obsession with demonizing" his character is a danger to their family.

One of Renner's reps did provide a statement to TMZ.

"The well-being of his daughter Ava has always been and continues to be the primary focus for Jeremy. This is a matter for the court to decide. It's important to note the dramatizations made in Sonni's declaration are a one-sided account made with a specific goal in mind."

Adding to his case is a timeline that has been laid out in the documents that point to his ex-wife's claims all lining up with his movie releases. In other words, Renner believes these attacks on him are all premeditated and intended to promote bad press onto his name as movies of his are set to premiere.

Pacheco's initial claims include multiple stories, most notably one night where she says Renner was high on cocaine and had consumed alcohol while out at a night club. He came home and made threatening comments to her about he "could not deal with her anymore, and he just wanted her gone."

After putting the gun to his mouth and suggesting he would kill himself, Renner allegedly shot the gun into the ceiling with their daughter sleeping in the house.

The two had been married for one year before the messy break-up.