10 DIY Facial Masks with 5 Ingredients or Less

We often fear the harsh effects of cold weather on our skin, but the truth is the summer sun can [...]

face mask

We often fear the harsh effects of cold weather on our skin, but the truth is the summer sun can be just as damaging! If your face is due for a little exfoliation and TLC, then it may be time to check out some of these DIY facial masks we just love. The best part? Each one contains only 5 ingredients or less for a simple, quick solution to your skin problems!

Simple Sugar Face Scrub: Let's start things off nice and easy. This recipe requires only three basic ingredients: organic cane sugar (or granulated sugar if you don't have any on hand), a couple drops of water, and 1 to 2 drops of orange, lemon, or lavender oil! It takes next to no time to whip up and will leave you feeling cleansed and refreshed! (via Homemade for Elle)

Read More: 8 DIY Hair and Skin Treatments Made With Kitchen Staples

Wrinkle-Smoothing Wine Facial: Okay, we know you probably think your wine has better uses, but this mixture from Real Simple will give you pause! Just combine a little red wine, kaolin clay, grapeseed oil and oat flour for a mask that is packed full of antioxidants that will draw out any impurities from your skin! Learn more about the anti-aging effects of red wine by clicking here!

red wine facial
(Photo: Mitchell Feinberg via Real Simple)

Heavenly Honey Citrus Mask: This sweet and alluring concoction will work wonders on reestablishing your gorgeous summer glow! Just combine some orange juice with half a cup of honey and apply it to your face for half an hour (Netflix, anyone?). It may sound too good to be true, but this combo will refresh your skin in no time. (via Marie Claire)

Chocolate Sugar Face Scrub: If you are looking for a mask that is a little less oily, why not give this decadent mixture a go? Brown sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and a dash of olive oil come together for a rich scrub that will soothe those damaged pores. (via Homemade for Elle)

Pore-Tightening Acaí Berry Facial Scrub: Not only are berries an excellent source of antioxidants, but they also have skin-tightening properties that help minimize and cleanse pores! This mask, made up of pulverized acaí berries, fresh berries of your choice, and a little olive oil, will keep your skin looking young for years to come! (via Real Simple)

acai berry bowl

The Breakfast Mask: If you suffer from oily skin, then this is the recipe for you! You'll just need a couple kitchen essentials, like oatmeal, honey, an egg yolk, and olive oil, to fashion this 15-minute miracle cure for greasy skin. Learn how to make this mask at Marie Claire.

Blueberry and Honey Scrub: Instead of smearing this delectable concoction on your morning toast, 15 minutes on your face will do just fine! Fresh blueberries, raw honey, and a little bit of sugar come together to create a scrub that is sure to leave you feeling brand new. (via Homemade for Elle)

>> Need some R&R? Check out these 7 ways to have a spa day at home!

Pomegranate Exfoliating Scrub: Pomegranates are known for their anti-aging compounds, so if you are ready to revitalize your skin, why not give this recipe a go? Just toss some pomegranate seeds, uncooked oatmeal, honey, and buttermilk into a food processor and voila! You've got the perfect anti-aging remedy! (via Health.com)

fresh pomegranate seeds

Honey and Oatmeal Facial Scrub: Ready for a recipe that is bound to make your face glow? Grab some uncooked oats, honey, nutmeg, lavender oil, and melaleuca oil for a scrub that will reduce those breakouts, even out your skin tone, and provide a whole new level of moisture! (via Homemade for Elle).

Brightening Beer Facial: Not only will the hoppy scent of beer lure your man in, but this facial cleanser is a great way to improve the elasticity and texture of your skin! We're just joking about the smell, by the way — the combination of beer, egg whites, and lime juice comes together for a mask that dries clear and smells nice and fresh! (via Real Simple)

Protecting and nourishing your skin is essential to maintaining your natural beauty! For our favorite exfoliation products, click here!