Triple H Shows up at Indy Show in the UK

It has been a wild couple of days in professional wrestling. First off, there's a belief that we [...]

It has been a wild couple of days in professional wrestling. First off, there's a belief that we could have a new WWE champion in a couple days, Chris Jericho is wrestling Kenny Omega in New Japan Pro Wrestling, and Triple H showed up at an indy show in the U.K.

Good look scripting a more surprising weekend in this crazy world of wrestling.

With the WWE currently on tour overseas in the United Kingdom, WWE's Triple H decided to take it upon himself to not only attend an Insane Championship Wrestling show in Cardiff, Wales; he showed up on camera and in the ring.

See the video below for yourself.

Triple H has started to establish more of a working relationship between WWE and independent promotions around the world than WWE has had in a long, long time. ICW has been one of these promotions, in addition to others such as PROGRESS and EVOLVE.

Up Next: WWE U.K. Champion Suffers Nasty Injury

During the ICW show on Sunday, Triple H came out during an in-ring segment with WWE U.K. Champion Pete Dunne. He noted WWE was just down the road and said he wanted to stop and say thank you to everyone at the ICW show, saying that "this is where our business starts." He praised the fact that many of the future stars of the business are working in companies like ICW.

Triple H thanked the fans for supporting ICW and said he's no different from many of the fans in attendance. Everyone there loves wrestling. He spoke about how everyone is going to make the business even bigger, mentioning the U.K. and Europe, and said that fans who think WWE is the biggest "haven't seen nothing yet."

Interestingly, there were once talks about having ICW air on the WWE Network. WWE CFO George Barrios even announced that a deal had been made this past June. He said the following at a conference in New York City.

"We recently announced a deal with ICW and Progress, which are wrestling promotions in the UK. So we're thinking about the best way to utilize that content. As you know, we've been fairly active over the years in purchasing wrestling libraries, video libraries, a lot of which now you can see on the network. We think there's a home for that, and it just a matter of priority."

More: Chris Jericho To Wrestle Kenny Omega In Dream Match

With WWE continuing to expand in Europe and the U.K. with their new U.K. championship, the idea of a weekly British wrestling show on the Network made sense. However, there has not been any movement in that direction since June, though Triple H's appearance on Sunday shows that there is still a relationship there.

WWE also reportedly still has plans of starting their own weekly British produced wrestling show centered around the U.K. title, but those plans have been delayed for the time being.