Ivanka Trump Responds to Dad Donald's Impeachment Trial Acquittal: 'The Best Is Yet to Come'

Now that Donald Trump has been predictably acquitted by the Senate, First Daughter, Ivanka Trump [...]

Now that Donald Trump has been predictably acquitted by the Senate, First Daughter, Ivanka Trump has taken to Twitter with her thoughts on the matter. While she refers to the impeachment as an "incoherent, ill-conceived process," she attempts to emphasize what's in store. She even teases that "the best is yet to come."

The First Daughter's sentiment echoes the sentiment she shared in a video via twitter last night ahead of President Trump's State of the Union address. The speech, where the president addresses both houses of Congress, was littered with surprises, including talk show host Rush Limbaugh's surprise appearance and Presidential Medal of Freedom, to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi getting snubbed by a handshake at the beginning and tearing up Trump's speech at the end.

After news of his acquittal hit, the president responded on Twitter, most perplexingly with an extended video featuring clips of his State of the Union speech to the Nazareth hair-metal ballad "Love Hurts."

Following Trump's impeachment by the House of Representatives in December, a trial was conducted in the Senate -- albeit without witnesses -- which ended today. In a vote of 52-48, Trump was acquitted on Article I, which charged him with of Abuse of Power. The vote on Article II, Obstruction of Congress, ended with a vote of 53-47 to acquit.

Both votes fell largely along party lines, with the outlier being Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who bucked his fellow Republicans, and explained why in an impassioned speech earlier today.

"The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a 'high crime and misdemeanor.' Yes, he did," Romney said about his decision to vote against the GOP grain, per CBS News.

It would have taken 67 Senators to vote to remove the sitting president from office, making Trump the third president to be impeached but later acquitted. The first was Andrew Johnson in 1868, while the second was Bill Clinton in 1999.