
Groundhog Bites Journalist While Attempting Daring Escape

When a groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day, it traditionally means six more weeks of […]

When a groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day, it traditionally means six more weeks of winter. But when one Canadian groundhog saw an opportunity to escape its cage, it didn’t hesitate biting one reporter during its attempt at freedom.

Shubenacadie Sam is the Canadian version of Punxsutawney Phil (who indeed saw his shadow on Friday meaning the winter season rolls on) and was brought out on Friday to reveal that Canada was in for an early Spring.

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After the initial ceremony, Sam ran around in his enclosure while media members were allowed in to take picture of the furry critter. But once the crowd dispersed, Sam saw it as an opportunity to escape, climbing one of the fences of his enclosure.

After [Shubenacadie Sam] made his prediction and the crowd left, the media was let into his enclosure. Then he tried to escape…” CBC reporter Brett Ruskin wrote.

Ruskin instinctively grabbed Sam in an effort to try and stop him, prompting Sam to bite down on Ruskin’s hand.

While the bite mark Sam left looked painful, Ruskin efforts at stopping him from leaving were successful as Sam scurried back towards the middle of his enclosure.

Ruskin said after the incident that he’s fine, joking that now he’ll turn into a groundhog.

“I’m fine, by the way,” Ruskin tweeted. “Sam’s handlers from the Dept. of Natural Resources say I shouldn’t need a shot. (I’m not the first to be bitten, apparently.) But also my front teeth are growing and there’s fur all over me now.”

Photo: Twitter/@NatashaPace