CNN Anchor Don Lemon Calls Donald Trump the 'Biggest Snowflake,' Says Supporters 'Coddle' His Feelings

CNN anchor Don Lemon dubbed President Donald Trump the 'biggest snowflake' Monday following the [...]

CNN anchor Don Lemon dubbed President Donald Trump the "biggest snowflake" Monday following the Capitol riots just five days earlier. Lemon's comment came in response to Trump campaign spokesperson Hogan Gidley, who told Fox News earlier in the day Trump was "the most masculine person…to ever hold the White House."

Airing a clip of Gidley's comments on his show, Lemon released an audible sigh as the soundbite came to an end, stating that while he's "heard a lot of pathetic things from this White House" over the past four years, "this one really takes the cake." Speaking on Trump's response to the deadly riots, Lemon said the president is "a big tough guy who incited a riot and then hid in the White House for five days." He also noted that Trump "still refuses to take responsibility."

"He's 'the most masculine?' Come on man, shut up. Shut up!" Lemon continued. "He is the biggest snowflake of them all, the biggest one. Why are you coddling his feelings all the time? Who's the snowflake now?"

Hours earlier, Gidley declared the president "the most masculine person" to ever hold the office of the president when asked if Trump was feeling "emasculated" due to a crackdown on him by social media companies, including the permanent ban from Twitter. Gidley said he "wouldn't say emasculated" before going on to tout the president's masculinity. He also attacked Twitter and Facebook over their decision to ban the president from their platforms, stating that Trump sees "a systematic attack against, not just him, but against 75 million Americans who disagree with the socialist, communist vision that Democrats have for this country." Gidley said it's "completely unfair."

Lemon held little sympathy for the president, and during Monday's show, he continued to cast doubts on the president's masculinity. Lemon said, "The president's legacy will be not the most masculine president but the biggest loser we have ever had as president." He suggested, "Maybe that should have been the name of his show instead of The Apprentice: The Biggest Loser."

Lemon's remarks about snowflakes weren't reserved solely for the president, as he also responded to reports that Jake Angeli, real name Jacob Anthony Chansley, the man who was seen wearing fur and horns during the storming of the Capitol building, was not eating because his detention facility hasn't provided an "organic" diet, according to Newsweek. Lemon also called Chansley a "snowflake" and a "coward."