Taylor Swift's Court-Sealed Groping Photo Leaked Online

Photos of Taylor Swift's alleged groping incident have leaked online after being sealed in court: [...]

Photos in the court-sealed case in Taylor Swift's sexual assault case have been leaked on the internet.

TMZ published the photo regarding a Colorado DJ on Saturday morning showing Swift in between the alleged groper David Mueller and another woman back in 2013. Back in October a judge granted Swift's photo staying out of the public eye until the case eventually went to trial.

In a video of Swift describing the incident she recalls, "Right as the moment came for us to pose for the photo, he took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over it was still there," she said. "It was completely intentional, I've never been so sure of anything in my life," according to E! News.

Swift's body guard, Greg Dent, also said he saw the encounter go down saying Taylor moved closer to the girl that was with him after being a little weirded out by Mueller.

Mueller has since filed a lawsuit again Swift saying he was fired from his job over "false accusations" that he groped Swift.

In turn, the pop star filed a counter suit for assault and battery in which she is demanding a jury trial and any money awarded to her will go to charities that protect women from similar sexual assault.

This article originally appeared on our sister site, Womanista.com.