Beaver Township Woman Solicits Sex For Cash, Nachos

During a prostitution sting in Beaver Township, OH, 36-year-old Crystal Hotlosz had a strange [...]

During a prostitution sting in Beaver Township, OH, 36-year-old Crystal Hotlosz had a strange request while negotiating sexual favors for an undercover cop.

Hotlosz was contacted after advertising her services on Youngstown's Backpage website, agreeing to provide sexual favors in exchange for $60 and nachos. Hotlosz met the undercover officer in the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant on November 14, and according to authorities, Hotlosz was "very adamant about getting the nachos."

Hotlosz was charged with solicitation and possession of criminal tools, while the man who drove her to the parking lot was also arrested, receiving charges of promoting prostitution.

Although it's up for the courts to decide, it's hard to say whether Hotlosz would have actually gone through with the sexual favors, as eating an order of nachos beforehand seems like a bad idea. Also, nachos don't taste nearly as good cold, so there's no way she would have performed the acts before eating them. Hopefully Hotlosz can find the help she needs after her time in the jalapeñal system.

[H/T ABC7]