The fourth installment in The Matrix franchise was announced this week, with actors Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss returning to star in the upcoming film. Another actor possibly joining the movie is Jada Pinkett Smith, who teased her potential involvement while speaking with Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday.
“Well, I’ve had my conversations with Lana [Wachowski], so, you know, we’ll see,” the 47-year-old teased, referencing the film’s director. “I think, you knowโฆ I think there might be some things on the horizon.”
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Pinkett Smith appeared in the second and third installments of the franchise, 2003’s The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. Those films were helmed by Wachowski and her sister, Lilly Wachowski, though the fourth installment will be directed by Lana.
Pinkett Smith played Niobe in the films, while Reeves starred as Neo and Moss as Trinity. In addition to The Matrix, Reeves is an intergral part in multiple franchises and is currently filming Bill and Ted 3 while John Wick 4 is also happening.
“Keanu, he’s got a mystery to him, you know,” Pinkett Smith said of her co-star. “He’s cool and he’s sweet. That’s just his special sauce right there.”
The upcoming Matrix film has been described as an “all-new film set in the world of The Matrix” and is expected to begin production early next year.
“We could not be more excited to be re-entering ‘The Matrix’ with Lana,” Warner Bros. Picture Group chairman Toby Emmerich said on Tuesday, according to Variety. “Lana is a true visionary โ a singular and original creative filmmaker โ and we are thrilled that she is writing, directing and producing this new chapter in the Matrix universe.”
“Many of the ideas Lilly and I explored 20 years ago about our reality are even more relevant now. I’m very happy to have these characters back in my life and grateful for another chance to work with my brilliant friends,” Lana added.
The Matrix centers on Reeves’ Neo, a computer hacker who is told he is humanity’s savior and teams up with other rebels to battle a machine race who are keeping humankind stuck in a simulation.
Photo Credit: Getty / Axelle/Bauer-Griffin