Social media users claimed Golden Globes winner Demi Moore snubbed a hug with Kylie Jenner amid an awkward awards ceremony video surfacing. In the viral footage, the Substance star, who won her first Golden Globe for her role in the film, approached Elle Fanning at her table. Jenner, seated beside the sisters, told Moore “congratulations.” Moore thanked Jenner before turning back to Fanning. Jenner watched as Moore and Fanning spoke for a moment before turning away — and did the same when Moore spoke to her boyfriend, actor Timothée Chalamet. Jenner pulled out her phone as Moore walked away. But Moore’s daughter, Tallulah Willis, says it’s all one big misunderstanding.
She posted to her Instagram Stories a screenshot of her mom noting there was not a “snub of any sort” following Moore’s big night and explained the Willis family had recently spent the New Year with actress Fanning, which is why Moore gave her a hug and not Jenner.
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“Had she seen KJ wanting to congratulate her she would have fully given her the time and space. Literally just give it all a break and let a gal enjoy her accomplishment,” Tallulah explained. Regardless, Moore is basking in her recent victory.
“Woke up this morning still in shock but full of so much joy, love, and gratitude for this honor and recognition,” she captioned an Instagram post, which featured a photo of herself smiling as she held her Globe. “I am so deeply humbled and the little girl in me is saying F— YEAH!” she added. “Thank you for your support and kind words, and thank you @goldenglobes.”
In her acceptance speech, the G.I. Jane star reflected on people in the business who didn’t believe in her, including one executive who referred to her as a “popcorn actress.” That wasn’t the only harsh criticism she received. “I had a woman say to me, ‘Just know you will never be enough, but you can know the value of your worth if you just put down the measuring stick,’” she said before ending her speech and exiting the stage, adding, “And so today, I celebrate this as a marker of my wholeness and of the love that is driving me and for the gift of doing something I love and being reminded that I do belong.”