Pregnant Ireland Baldwin Reveals 'Classy, Beautiful' Name She Chose for Baby

Ireland Baldwin is sharing the "classy, beautiful" name she and her boyfriend RAC have chosen for their unborn baby. The 27-year-old daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger appeared on the Girlboss Radio podcast this week, where she opened up about her pregnancy and excitement about becoming a mother for the first time.

Asked about baby names, Ireland was more than happy to reveal her daughter's name. "We're naming her Holland. I'm Ireland, so another country name because we wanted to keep that consistent," she said with a laugh. "And then I love the actress Holland Taylor. I've always loved that name since I was young, I just thought that was such a classy, beautiful name, so we're going with Holland."

The pregnant model also opened up about what she's looking forward to when it comes to becoming a parent. "What I'm most excited about is really more centered around a lot of things I really wanted in terms of stability as a child myself that I didn't have," Ireland shared. "What's kind of exciting is I get to raise this little human and do things completely differently than what I was taught was the norm." She continued, "It's cool that I get to unconditionally love this person and do my best to make her as equipped for this world and badass as possible."

Ireland, who announced she and RAC were expecting last month, recently opened up about struggling with her mental health while pregnant. The writer shared on social media that "even through all of this, none of this reflects on how excited I am to be her mom." She continued, "My career isn't going anywhere and if it is, f- it. The friends that mattered most will be there and you'll have more room for new friendships. All of this is still worth it but it's ok to admit how hard and scary it all can be. You are not alone."

In the caption, Baldwin added, "this s--- is HARD. And you're not alone if you feel the same. And it's ok to be REAL and post highlight reels. It's ok to be happy and sad at the same time. I am grateful but I am struggling and that's perfectly ok."