Netflix’s newest documentary series, Tiger King, follows the lives and exploits of private zoo owners and big cat/wild animal enthusiasts across the nation. Among the most talked subjects of the series, is animal trainer — and Myrtle Beach Safari founder/director — Dr. Bhagavan “Doc” Antle.
Antle has been working with wildlife animals for decades, and founded the T.I.G.E.R.S. reserve — The Institute for Greatly Endangered and Rare Species — in the early 1980s. As part of his work with wildlife animals, he has been apart of many film and TV productions, including films like Ace Ventura and Dr. Doolittle. Antle has also appeared as a wildlife expert on National Geographic Channel, BBC, Discovery Channel, and CNN. He also once appeared on-stage with iconic pop singer Britney Spears, as seen in a recently resurfaced photo.
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Along the way, he has documented much of his daily life with some wild Instagram posts, and we have collected some of the more recent ones below. Scroll down to check them out!
“Is There Doctor in the House?”
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In a clip re-shared from Antle’s son Kody’s TikTok page, the younger Antle is seen getting some medical care from a chimpanzee.
“Thanks to all the healthcare professionals serving their communities on the front lines,” the post’s caption reads, then adding, “#celebratedoctors.”
WWE’s The Undertaker
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Myrtle Beach Safari gets many celebrity guests that come to visit the animals, with WWE’s The Undertaker recently appearing in a clip on Antle’s Instagram.
The post caption reads: “The tiger stands as the last sentinel of the forest. If we lose the tiger, we will lose a piece of ourselves but if we could save the tiger we could save the world. For the tiger to survive it must have clean clear skies, pristine lakes and rivers plentiful prey animals, lush forests, wide open spaces and people who care.
“If we save the tiger we can save the world. Today our Rangers are posted at Soryia Station deep in the jungles of Sumatra. Rangers that we employ are saving wildlife. Today with them we caught poachers, removed deadly snares, and did research for new solutions to wildlife crime.”
Monkeying Around
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In the above post, a couple of Antle’s chimps are seen goofing off with some fake teeth.
“Vali and Sugriva clowning around with funny dog toys ‘teeth balls,’” the caption reads.
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In another wild post, a pair of Myrtle Beach Safari tigers are show taking on a a red Ferrari.
Notably, a very large white tiger is posed on top of the red Ferrari.
Wolf Pack
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It’s not just tigers and chimps in Antle’s posts, as one photo from 2019 featured a black wolf.
“Barsoom the black wolf looking huge at the tiger swim pool,” he wrote in the caption, adding ,”#atmyrtlebeachsafari #wolf #wolves.”
White Christmas
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In a holiday themed photo, Antle dressed up as Santa Claus to wish his followers a “Merry Christmas.”
Joining Antle in his picture, were a couple of white tiger cubs that he held in his arms.
Best Of…
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Finally, in Antle’s “Best of 2019” compilation video, he shared a number of popular Instagram videos from through out the year.
The clip features many of Myrtle Beach Safari’s “wonderful animal ambassadors,” such as tigers, chimps, and black panthers.