Stimulus Checks: Donald Trump Backtracks, Says He Would Sign Standalone Payment Bill

President Donald Trump has put lawmakers through a bit of a rollercoaster ride on Tuesday. [...]

President Donald Trump has put lawmakers through a bit of a rollercoaster ride on Tuesday. Earlier, the president, who is currently battling COVID-19, signaled to Republicans to stop negotiating with the Democrats on another stimulus bill until after the election. But, it appears as though Trump has since changed course on the matter. On Tuesday night, he once again took to Twitter with a message for lawmakers. In his most recent tweet, the president wrote that he would sign a standalone payment bill regarding stimulus checks if the Democrats and Republicans can agree on it.

Trump wrote that if he was sent a standalone bill to send out another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, he would sign it. He wrote that they would then be sent out to eligible Americans "IMMEDIATELY." The president continued to write that he is ready to sign this bill right now. He tagged a number of political figures in the tweet including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, his chief of staff Mark Meadows, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy.

The president's latest statement is a far cry from the one he issued earlier in the day. On Tuesday afternoon, he wrote on Twitter he was instructing Republicans to stop negotiating on another stimulus bill until after the Nov. 3 election. He tweeted that Pelosi was "not negotiating in good faith" for a second stimulus plan, but was instead "trying to bailout poorly run, high crime, Democratic States [sic]." Trump claimed that he is the one who is "looking to the future of our Country." He added, "I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business."

Of course, Pelosi responded to the president's statement with one of her own. She said that he was showing "his true colors" and that his actions showcase that he's placing himself above others "at the expense of the country."

She continued: "He refuses to put money in workers' pockets unless his name is printed on the check." Pelosi also said that the White House seems to be in "complete disarray" at the moment, as many of those in Trump's inner circle have tested positive for COVID-19. In addition to the president's positive diagnosis, First Lady Melania Trump, aide Hope Hicks, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Trump's personal assistant Nicholas Luna, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, aide Stephen Miller, Sens. Mike Lee, Thom Tillis, Ron Johnson, and former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie have all tested positive for the coronavirus.