House’s Second Stimulus Plan 'Will Never See the Light of Day,' Sen. Lindsey Graham Vows

On Friday, the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed a second stimulus [...]

On Friday, the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed a second stimulus bill that would potentially grant Americans another round of $1,200 stimulus checks to individuals (and up to $6,000 per household). But, many Republican lawmakers, such as Senator Lindsay Graham, have been vocal regarding their opposition to this bill. This new $3 trillion stimulus bill, which has been deemed the Heroes Act by House Democrats, will now have to pass in the Senate. Judging by Graham's response to the passage of this bill in the House, it's unclear whether the Heroes Act would be able to garner the necessary bipartisan support to pass.

Shortly after the bill passed in the House, Graham took to Twitter to express his thoughts regarding the move. He began his Twitter thread on the matter by posting a FOX News article about the passage of the bill, writing that it was a look into the "souls of the radical House Democrats." In subsequent tweets, Graham addressed certain factors of the Heroes Act and added that it would "never see the light of day" when it heads to the Senate. He went on to write that the Trump administration will work towards jump-starting the economy as well as funding "efforts to defeat COVID19."

According to ABC News, Graham has also noted that he believes that the bill will be "dead on arrival" when it heads to the Senate, which aligns with what he expressed in his series of tweets. He isn't the only Republican who is skeptical about the Heroes Act. Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, related earlier this week that she was unsure about some of the factors of the bill. She said, "Without even looking at it, I really question whether that approach is really the way to go right now. We have put a lot out there, and we need to make sure it is getting to where it needs to go."

If Congress passes this new bill, it will become the United States' most expensive emergency measure ever, topping the previous $2 trillion stimulus package that the White House and Congress agreed to in late March. Days before this act passed in the House, Speaker Pelosi said about a possible second stimulus package, "Not to act now is not only irresponsible in a humanitarian way, it is irresponsible because it's only going to cost more. More in terms of lives, livelihood, cost to the budget, cost to our democracy."