7-Minute Total Body Cardio Warm-Up [VIDEO]

There are definitely days when the prospect of hitting the gym for an hour just doesn’t sound [...]

There are definitely days when the prospect of hitting the gym for an hour just doesn't sound appealing. For those moments when you are struggling to kickstart your adrenaline and get your body moving, this 7-minute cardio warm-up offers the perfect solution. Before you have time to talk yourself out of a workout that you know you need, just give this warm-up a try.

These high-intensity exercises will challenge you to get up off your butt and into the gym! Not only will it rip through those first couple calories in just a few minutes, it will also get your blood pumping and heart racing! Before you know it, you will be ready to jump right into your workout. Do each move for 60 seconds to get your blood pumping and body ready.

Moves You'll See:

  • Four-Corner Box Jump
  • Cross Body Jacks
  • High Knees + Butt Kickers
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Heisman
  • Plank Jack