Nutritionists Beg You To Add These 9 High-Fat Foods To Your Diet

If you're trying to lose weight, chances are you avoid high-fat foods like the plague and opt [...]

If you're trying to lose weight, chances are you avoid high-fat foods like the plague and opt instead for the 'low-fat' counterpart. Well, you really want to re-think a couple of these high-fat foods. Why, you might ask? Not all fats are bad! There is a very real difference between good and bad fats, and we're here to give you the skinny.

The fats to avoid are trans and saturated fats, which are common in packaged products, margarine, cake mixes, Ramen and french fries—to name a few! Unsaturated fats like Omega-3, Omega-6, oleic acid and linoleic fats are actually great for your body. Good fats keep you feeling full longer, which in turn keeps you from snacking on unhealthy treats.

Here are nine high-fat (healthy fat) foods that you should incorporate into your diet!

Extra-virgin olive oil. This delicious and high-fat oil is the key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, which is widely claimed as a heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory diet to keep your gut happy and healthy. The FDA agrees, and has even gone so far as to permit health labels on olive oil bottles reading, "Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 2 tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil."

olive oil

Avocado. We always knew our love of avocados would be a blessing! This delicious green fruit is filled with omega-9 fats, which work to keep our skin, digestive tract and reproductive systems working strongly. They're high in healthy fats, but don't let that scare you! Avocados are great for your heart, which is why we are always looking for ways to sneak them into our diet. We love them so much that we put together a list of our favorite 50 recipes starring avocado!


Nuts. These handy little guys make the perfect travel-sized snack, and they're also great to munch on at your desk. However, while nuts are calorie-dense, they're also dense in nutrients and healthy fats! Packed to the brim with protein, fiber and antioxidants, many nuts are known to reduce blood pressure and boost your metabolism. Oh yeah, and they can boost your memory too! Walnuts especially are known to prevent Alzheimer's.


Egg yolks. The yellow part of the egg is what gives the egg its fabulous flavor. It's also widely misunderstood, which means those who opt for only egg whites could be missing valuable nutrients like Vitamins A and B, choline and selenium.


Dark chocolate. You don't have to ask us twice to incorporate dark chocolate into our diets! We will do it willingly, especially now that we know the fabulous health benefits this savory treat has. Dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants and fiber, and has been linked to improved heart health and memory. Dark chocolate should be 70 percent cocoa to qualify.


Coconuts and coconut oil. Recently made popular for its astounding health properties, coconut oil is one fatty food you don't want to ignore. The fats found in coconut oil are medium-chain fatty acids, which mean they process differently in your body and are known to suppress appetite and boost metabolism! Looking for other ways to incorporate coconut oil into your diet? Click here!


Salmon. You already knew that salmon contained high amounts of omega-3s, but it also contains high traces of protein and Vitamin A, which are known to keep you feeling full longer and improve your memory! Our Skinny Salmon Burgers are a great way to incorporate this healthy food into your diet.

Thai Salmon Burgers with Pickled Cucumber SlawBlack Olives

. These bad boys are also part of the Mediterranean diet, which means that while they're fatty, they're also loaded with monounsaturated fats—meaning you can eat them guilt free! Black olives can balance blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and lower risk of heart disease or stroke.

healthy olives

Seeds. Seeds like pumpkin and sunflower seeds are widely known to reduce cholesterol, but they're also rich in vitamins like E and B-1. Eat these to reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

healthy seeds

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