'Big Brother 25' Episode 32 Recap: America and Cory Blindside in the Works

10/18/2023 03:41 pm EDT

Seems like Big Brother Season 25's favorite showmance is about to get ripped apart, and while America and Cory might not sense it, they're in real danger. So let's see how a new twist from the Comic-verse may seal their fate for good. We're talking Big Brother 25 Episode 32!

We pick up after Jag, as the invisible HOH, nominated Felicia and Blue, with his intention being to send Blue home and keep America and Cory in the house as a shield for him and Matt. Which is fine with Cory. And NOT fine with Felicia, who is sick of being on the block and definitely clocked Jag as the secret HOH.

Surprisingly enough, America isn't happy with this plan either, because while she's stoked to not personally be on the block, she doesn't want Blue being evicted – she could be a valuable ally if and when Cory is evicted! With that in mind, America tells Blue that Jag is the invisible HOH – and she's his target, hoping it would turn her against Jag and Matt. 

Unfortunately for America, it does basically the exact opposite; this is the spark that lights the match that could take down her showmance. Because Blue immediately takes this info to Matt, who now is like well alright, if it's time to draw a line in the sand with AmeriCory let's do it. The power of veto is going to be vital to do that though, and a transmission from the Comic-verse just changed that ALL up, introducing the BB Power of Multiplicity. This new power takes the number of Veto players from 6 to 8 and the number of veto and veto competitions from one to two. And the number of possible nominees who could be taken down and replaced from one to two.

It all comes down to this – and the first comp is one we know well in Big Brother. Stand on a rope, spin around and try not to drop as you get pummeled from all angles.  After more than two hours, Blue finally gave out, leaving our first veto in the hands of our very own invisible HOH Jag.

In the second comp, players had to guess how long Jag would be able to fly around in a dead hang, with the closest guess winning veto. And while Blue just narrowly missed out on the first veto, she nailed this second one, winning the power of veto with a margin of less than 5 seconds.

As for our two worst guessers? Don't worry, they're getting punishments. It's no kayak, but Felicia and Cirie's punishments had me laughing so hard this week. Felicia had to go into solitary confinement for 24 hours, which I'm sure Cirie would love at this point. But Felicia? Not so much. Meanwhile, Cirie has to rock this superhero suit all week, "testing it out" whenever called upon – look at her go.

While all this chaos is happening, Jag and Matt are plotting the downfall of AmeriCory – Blue's obviously going to take herself off the block and Jag thinks it's the perfect chance to take Felicia off and put up America and Cory TOGETHER. It's just the kind of pitch that can rally the house into not being mad at Jag when he tells everyone one by one that he's secretly been HOH this week.  Meanwhile, America and Cory still have no idea the tides have turned against them.

It's gonna be sad to see one of them go this week, but also….ya know, I'm shocked they made it this far with all their coupley antics. We'll see how the renominations and eviction go in Thursday's episode, etc.

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