'Little People, Big World' Star Tori Roloff's Sunny Set of Photos Spark Excitement Among Fans

08/10/2019 02:26 pm EDT

Little People, Big World star Tori Roloff is not only beloved by fans on social media for her honesty in parenthood, but capturing the absolute sweetest photos of her "party of three."

The TLC star and expectant mom took to Instagram before the weekend to share with fans a set of photos with her husband, Zach and their son, Jackson that epitomize every but of summer.

"We traded Portland's 98° weather for the beach's 75° weather. Spent some quality time with my boys and mama! I think I'm raising a fish," Roloff wrote alongside hashtags, "story of Zach and Tori" and "Z and T Party of Three."

The images sparked excitement and encouragement from fans, many who were smitten with 1-year-old Jackson and knowing the family would be expanding in just a few short months.

"The pure joy and delight in J's eyes is infectious," wrote one fan.

"I love Jackson," added another. "But then I love you guys [heart eyes emoji, heart emoji]."

Others were in awe of the snapshots of Zach with Jackson, adding her first snapshot in the carousel of images was a "framer." Another user echoed the sentiment, adding "The first picture of Zach and J is amazing! Frame worthy for sure! Such a sweet photo of Father and Son!"

Others looked ahead, commenting how the Roloff family would need to alter their signature hashtag, "Zach and Tori Party of Three" to "party of four" after the couple welcomes their second born.

"That hashtag is soon going to be [Zach and Tori party of four] [heart emojis] you guys are seriously the cutest family, ever!"

"Going to have to update y'alls hashtag soon [bow emoji] we are going from [Cervantes 7] to [the Great 8]... we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet girl [happy emoji] she brings the family to a whopping 8!!!"

Roloff and her husband, Zach announced the news of expecting her second in a post shared to social media on May 13, revealing to fans that they are expecting a "sweet baby girl."

"We are so excited to announce that Jackson is going to be a big brother!" the couple told Us Weekly at the time of the news.

Though Roloff admitted she is thrilled to welcome a second child, she divulged to fans on social media that she is a bit nervous about being pregnant in the dead of summer, adding that it is going to be "interesting" no doubt. With her second child due this November, the TLC star answered questions in a Q&A shared to the social network, saying she expects a long, difficult ride.

"A lot harder. But still easy. If that makes sense. I had no symptoms with J other than egg aversions," she said when asked if her pregnancy had "been easier or harder" this time around. "I've got all the symptoms this time."

Roloff is also taking the time to share the struggles she faces being mother to son, Jackson, who was born with dwarfism like his father, Zach. In a heartbreaking post shared to her account this week, Roloff spoke about all the ways her son is "different" despite seeming like any other toddler. However, she goes on to share how one moment forced her to confront her son's differences and the impact his dwarfism has on his life.

"Today pointed out that he is different and that's never going to change. He watched as kids (many younger than him) rode rides at a festival here in town and he wasn't able to join," she wrote. "Jackson wanted so bad[ly] to ride the airplanes that went up and down but the height requirement wouldn't allow him to (which I totally understand!). It was harder for me than it was for him for sure. It was really the first time I was hit in the face with the fact my child is different."

Photo credit: Instagram / @toriroloff

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