Cardi B Deletes Social Media Account After Azealia Banks' Insults

05/12/2018 06:57 pm EDT

Cardi B has disappeared from social media.

The rapper deleted her Instagram on Saturday (and made her Twitter account private) following a clash with Azealia Banks that kickstarted an online feud.

According to Entertainment Tonight, the women exchanged harsh words with each other after Banks called out Cardi during an interview with The Breakfast Club on Friday, referring to her as an "illiterate, untalented rat" and a "caricature of a black woman."

"Two years ago, the conversation surrounding black women's culture was really reaching an all-time high," Banks said during her interview, talking about Beyoncé's Lemonade. "There was just this really, really, really intelligent conversation going on nationally and then everything just kind of changed and then it was like Cardi B."

Cardi responded in an Instagram comment, writing, "I'm from the hood. I speak how I speak. I am how I am. I did not choose to be famous — people choose me... I never asked to be an example or a role model. I don't want to change my ways because I'm famous," before calling out Banks for bleaching her skin.

The comment ruffled Banks's feathers further, as she targeted Cardi's pregnancy and relationship with rapper Offset. "You're illiterate, you're baby mama 4/5 to [a] man who has women crawling out of the woodworks with kids," she replied. "You're a real life episode of Maury sis... The fact that your overall statistic-ness is being merited as success is a clear indication that the suits backing you are using you as a weapon against black women's consciousness and culture."

Rather than keeping the fight going, Cardi deleted her account, but not before sharing one last message to Banks.

"The difference between you and me is that I've never pretended to be something I am not! I've made it to where I am for being myself and staying true to that," she wrote.

"You think because someone uses a lot of big words and long sentences, that makes them smart!? How smart are you if you don't know that the meaning of illiterate means to not know how to read or write? I can do both, and speak two languages fluently," Cardi continued. "Just because I mix a few words up, forget to use commas or misspell a few words doesn't make me illiterate and doesn't make me stupid. And because I laugh a little harder or talk a little louder doesn't make me a caricature!"

"I hope you find your peace in your own heart and reason in your own mind," the rapper concluded. "Pray for your own success before you pray for the downfall of others!"

Cardi has had a whirlwind few weeks with the release of her album Invasion of Privacy, as well as announcing her pregnancy. This week, the "Bartier Cardi" rapper confirmed rumors she's having a baby girl.

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