Bob Weinstein Accused of Sexual Harassment

10/17/2017 03:40 pm EDT

A female showrunner who worked on The Weinstein Company drama The Mist has accused Bob Weinstein, the younger brother of Harvey Weinstein, of sexual harassment during the production of the SpikeTV series.

Amanda Segel, an executive producer of "Mist," told Variety that Weinstein repeatedly made romantic advances toward her and asked her to join him for multiple private dinners. She says the harassment began in the summer of 2016 and continued on and off for about three months until Segel's lawyer informed TWC executives — including COO David Glasser — that she would leave the show if Bob Weinstein did not stop contacting her on personal matters.

" 'No' should be enough," Segel told Variety. "After 'no,' anybody who has asked you out should just move on. Bob kept referring to me that he wanted to have a friendship. He didn't want a friendship. He wanted more than that. My hope is that 'no' is enough from now on."

A rep for Weinstein told Variety that he denies engaging in any inappropriate behavior.

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"Bob Weinstein had dinner with Ms. Segel in LA in June 2016. He denies any claims that he behaved inappropriately at or after the dinner. It is most unfortunate that any such claim has been made," the rep's statement said.

A rep for TWC also denied that Glasser was contacted by Segel's lawyer.

Segel told Variety that her discomfort with Weinstein began in June 2016 when he asked her to a private dinner. She said that co-workers told her that Weinstein had inquired if she were single. Segel says she agreed to go to dinner in order to establish a professional relationship with the executive of the company behind The Mist.

Segel says that during the dinner, Weinstein asked Segel highly intimate questions and made romantic overtures to her. He wanted to know her age because he told her he didn't want to date anyone younger than his daughter. He told Segel that he was staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel because his daughter was staying at his home in Los Angeles.

In the middle of dinner, Segel says Weinstein asked her to drive him to his hotel so that he could let his driver go. When she dropped him off, he reportedly asked her to come upstairs. She declined.

Weinstein reportedly began sending Segel emails outside the professional scope of The Mist. He said he wanted to be friends. She said that was possible but in a non-romantic way, and reiterated that she was not open to dating.

Bob Weinstein continued to ask Segel to dinner between June and August of 2016, joking at times that he was her boss and could fire her if she didn't agree. Segel agreed to another dinner with him in which she was accompanied by The Mist executive producer and writer Christian Torpe. Segel says Weinstein was clearly unhappy with Torpe's presence.

Weinstein eventually stopped the unwanted advances toward Segel after exploding at her during a conference call over a production issue she says was out of her control. When questioned by others on the call about the outburst, Segel expressed that Weinstein had been sexually harassing her for three months. She then had her lawyer contact TWC executives with the ultimatum that she would leave the show if Weinstein did not stay away from her.

Segel says that after her lawyer went back and forth with TWC, an agreement was reached that allowed Segel to keep her job on the show — but arrangements were made so that she was never to be in the same room as Weinstein or on phone calls with him. She says Weinsten honored the agreement.

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It was also agreed that TWC would let Segel out of its option to keep her on the show if it was picked up for a second season.

Segel's allegations against Bob Weinstein come after more than 30 women have come forward and accused his older brother and longtime business partner, Harvey Weinstein, of sexual harassment or assault.

The scandal resulted in Harvey Weinstein being fired from TWC and kicked out of the Academy of Motion Pictures. His wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman, also announced that she was leaving him.

Meanwhile, this week, Bob Weinstein has publicly decried his brother's actions and claimed that he was unaware of the severity of the allegations.

Photo Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

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