Taylor Swift Donates to Small Nashville Record Store Amid Coronavirus Crisis

04/01/2020 03:55 pm EDT

Taylor Swift is helping out a small record store in Nashville amid the coronavirus crisis, financially aiding Music City retailer Grimey's New & Preloved Music. The city has issued a stay-at-home order that has led numerous establishments to temporarily close, and Grimey's has had to send its employees home.

A source told Rolling Stone that in an effort to help, Swift has donated money for each employee and three months' worth of health care to the store.

"We were very surprised, and I would have to say amazed, that Taylor Swift reached out to us through her publicist to offer some relief during the COVID-19 pandemic," Grimey's co-owner Doyle Davis said. "I didn't even know we were on her radar, but she really stepped up to help after the recent tornadoes that struck Nashville and middle Tennessee, and now she's trying to help a beloved small business in her city."

"Taylor generously offered some direct relief to my staff and to cover three months of our health care costs for our group-insurance plan," he continued. "It's a huge deal to us, and now I have some peace of mind as we apply for [Small Business Association] loans to pay rent, vendors, and other expenses. This assistance from Ms. Swift helps give us a real shot at coming back on the other side of this."

"It's incredibly heartening and totally surreal that Taylor Swift has offered to help us out in such a significant way," added Grimey's buyer Will Orman adds. "With so much uncertainty about what lies ahead, we're deeply grateful to be able to look forward to returning to the store and continuing to share music and connect with our community, thanks to Taylor's generous support."

Swift has been active online amid the crisis, recently sending a number of fans financial gifts to help them during this time. Several fans have used social media to share messages they received from the Grammy winner asking how best to send them funds, as Swift had seen their posts and learned that they were struggling.

"Erin, I saw your tweets about the financial and emotional stress you're under right now and it made me want so badly to help. I'm so sorry about your job and the uncertainty of what's going on right now. I hope this gift of $3,000 will help. I loved meeting you in New York and I hope you're safe and healthy! Your pal, Taylor" Swift wrote to one fan, who tweeted, "Literally how is this an actual thing that has happened??? I will shut up never I'm so grateful for this woman."

She also shared a message with fans detailing the importance of social distancing earlier this month, writing, "It's a really scary time but we need to make social sacrifices right now."

Photo Credit: Getty / Dave J Hogan

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