Dylan Scott's Wife Blair Gives Birth to Second Child, Daughter Finley Gray

08/29/2019 07:36 am EDT

Country singer Dylan Scott and his wife, Blair, have a new daughter! Blair gave birth to Finley Gray on Wednesday, Aug. 28, making their 1-year-old son, Beckett, a big brother.

"Beckett loves his little sister and so does momma and daddy," Scott shared on Instagram. "Everyone meet Finley Gray. Born today, 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long! I've watched my wife do this twice now and she is a rockstar!!!"

It was Blair's idea to add to their family before Beckett was even out of diapers.

"She called me on the road," Scott previously recalled to PopCulture.com. "She's like, 'Hey, I think I want to have another kid.' I said, 'Hey, I think you're crazy. Beckett's not even 1 year old yet.' I think I was on the road and she called me, and is like, 'Well, it happened. Already.'"

It might have been Blair's idea to have a second child, but it didn't take long for Scott to get on board.

"I was so nervous at first," Scott conceded. "I was very nervous and a little scared, even though we tried. We tried for the second. When it happened, it's like, 'What?' But I'm very excited right now. It's going to be a lot of fun. I come from a big family. My wife comes from a big family. We'll be good."

Scott still remembers the moment Blair approached the idea with Scott, when the couple was already busy with their little boy.

"Blair came to me when Beckett was less than a year old and said, 'Why get out of the process now? Let's just have another kid,' " Scott recalled to PEOPLE. "I was like, 'Babe, are you sure you want to do this?' But the more I thought about it, I was thinking that I'm 28 and she's 29 and we are getting to our 30s. I think it would be really cool for Beckett to have a little sister or a little brother really close in age so they can grow up together. We both want big families."

Blair surprised Scott with the news over the holidays, bringing the normally stoic singer to tears.

"I teared up a bit. I was excited," Scott, who admitted he's not usually an emotional guy, said of the special moment.

"You don't realize how much you can love a human being until you have your own child," he explained. "People tell you that and I didn't even quite understand it. I have nieces and nephews and I love them to death, but when it's yours, it's totally different."

Photo Credit: Getty / Jeff Kravitz

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