Bill Murray Guest Stars on 'Saturday Night Live' as Steve Bannon

Bill Murray is Steve Bannon and holy s***— That Dude (@cjzer0) [...]

Saturday Night Live returned after the winter break with a big surprise: Bill Murray guest starred as Steve Bannon, with Fred Armisen playing Fire And Fury author Michael Wolff in a Morning Joe cold open.

The sketch featured Kate McKinnon as Mika Brzezinski, Alex Moffat as Joe Scarborough and Mikey Day as Willie Geist.

Their guest was first Armisen as Wolff, who said one of the stories in his book is about President Donald Trump's "baby races." Is this story true? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter if readers enjoy it.

"You got the gist, so shut up," Wolff said.

Next, Bannon appeared. Before tonight, SNL has always portrayed the former White House chief strategist as the Grim Reaper. But tonight, it was Bill Murray as the former Breitbart chief.

Bannon/Murray referred to himself as the "Bannon Cannon" and promised that the "Bannon Dynasty is dawning."

As for what Bannon is doing today, now that he's out of the White House and no longer works at Brietbart, he is working on a web series for Crackle. He is also developing a new line of crinkled barn jackets called "Frumpers for Guys." He also has a new skincare line coming soon called "Blotch."

Bannon said his next goal is to audition candidates to convince Americans to vote for. They include disgraced YouTube personality Logan Paul, "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli and former Subway personality Jared Fogel.

Leslie Jones also appeared at the end as Oprah Winfrey.
