Watch President Trump’s First Opening Statement

Despite a controversial State of the Union address and rocky political climate, President Trump [...]

Despite a controversial State of the Union address and rocky political climate, President Trump maintains that the United States is as strong as it's ever been.

"The State of the Union is strong because our people are strong," Trump said during the annual speech Tuesday night.

His confident remark came the same evening he was booed for his comments on immigration and the evening he broke tradition by arriving without the First Lady, Melania Trump, to the address.

"Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives," President Trump claimed in the midst of his speech.

Someone in the audience — presumably a Democrat or opponent of the president — called out in reaction to the remark. Many viewers interpreted it as a "boo," though it was too muffled to make out. The president's stance on immigration is one of his least popular positions amongst his opponents.

Leading up to the address, cable news pundits repeatedly stressed the Democrats' need to keep quiet and refrain from heckling the president in order to retain the moral high ground. Throughout the years, politicians have often called out during speeches, especially State of the Union addresses, but it has never served the hecklers' agenda.

In 2009, Representative Joe Wilson, a Republican from South Carolina, shouted out "you lie!" in the middle of President Obama's State of the Union. He was responding directly to comments about immigration, which may have been the same point an audience member responded to at Tuesday's speech.

While some people reacted vocally to Trump's speech, his wife hardly reacted at all. Melania Trump's lack of reaction has people thinking there's tension in The White House.

Viewers at home keyed in on it and took to Twitter to hypothesize what could be going on between the couple. Some thought it could be the Stormy Daniels scandal that recently broke, and others thought she was simply tired of dealing with him.

And while President Trump is no stranger to controversy, it tailed him another time during his State of the Union, when the Congressional Black Caucus refused to applaud for him.

President Trump began his first State of the Union address by pointing out that unemployment rates among black Americans is significantly down, but members of the Congressional Black Caucus refused to applaud.

Opponents of the president were online in no time, fact checking his statement about employment rates. "Black unemployment has been reduced by 10 points over last 9 years," tweeted Chris Obeidallah. "Under Obama it was reduced by Nine points. It was reduced by one point under Trump."

Of course, Twitter did what it does best, and a GIF of the moment began circulating at once. A single congressman can be seen clapping half-heartedly with a bemused smile, while others won't even look at the president. Their eyes wander around the room. One member of the audience can even be seen looking at his phone.

The president didn't let the lack of enthusiasm deter him. He went on with his speech in a clear, measured voice. He quickly changed the subject to his tax bill, which pundits expected to be the meat of his talking points. Strategists believe the tax bill is the president's best chance of getting his opponents on his side.
